Department name
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Metallurgy Lab
Asset Publisher
Non-Ferrous Metallurgy (ENG)
The course clarifies the microstructure, mechanical properties, processing, physical metallurgy and engineering applications of non ferrous alloys.
Physical Metallurgy And Metals Processing (ENG)
The physical metallurgy regards the following topics: Evolution of structures in solid as it form from liquid, solid-solid state diffusional transformation of microstructure...
Metallurgia (CI) (ITA)
Metallurgy course is divided in two distinct part: basic metallurgy and equilibrium and not equilibrium transformations of plain carbon steel together with the heat treatments and case hardening.
Metallic Materials: Properties And Applications (ENG)
This course will analyze the properties and application of the metallic alloys for automotive, biomedical, civil and aerospace applications.
Prof. Eng. Paola Leo
University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation
"La Stecca" building - first floor, Campus Ecotekne, Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce (Italy)
Tel. +39 0832 29 7324